Blue LITE ID QUUPPA (IDF28540-01A)

Smaller, stronger, smarter, the Blue Lite ID QUUPPA is the ideal tag for high-precision localization of people and small equipment by integrating easily with RTLS (Real Time Locating System) solutions. 100% autonomous, this tag based on the Angle of Arrival (AOA) technology can be used as a badge, but can also be glued to equipment thanks to its high-performance adhesive back.

Please note that our Blue LITE ID QUUPPA tag can only work within a QUUPPA infrastructure, composed of LOCATOR antennas and the QUUPPA software suite.

For any information on these elements, we invite you to contact the sales teams of our partner QUUPPA.


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To receive our integrator rates,
our experts are here for you.

High accuracy
Removable battery




✔ Double-sided adhesive (LITE STICKER)
✔ Technical support


✔ Device Manager Setup Software


SDK ELA Innovation

SDK & code examples

Discover 1 software development kit (SDK) including microservices, APIs, sample code using these APIs and associated documentation. Also available are code examples compatible with different development environments.

Bluetooth Advanced Features

Bluetooth Advanced Features

With the Bluetooth Advanced Features option, you can accelerate the deployment of your business solution and guarantee customer satisfaction. This service enables you to customize 100% of the frame of your ELA Innovation beacons & sensors. Configuration is carried out by our factory teams.

White paper Unveil the power of Bluetooth in the IoT landscape - ELA Innovation

White paper: Unveil the power of Bluetooth in the IoT landscape

Discover the world of Bluetooth technology: learn about its evolution, its role in the IoT, how Bluetooth Low Energy works and the challenges it presents in industrial environments.

Blue LITE ID QUUPPA (IDF28540-01A)

Blue LITE ID QUUPPA (IDF28540-01A)


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beacon localisation - Blue LITE ID QUUPPA

Dive into Bluetooth technology !

Discover its evolution, its role in the IoT, how Bluetooth Low Energy works and the challenges it presents.

White paper Unveil the power of Bluetooth in the IoT landscape - ELA Innovation

ELA Innovation • All rights reserved

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