✓ Improve traffic flows and reduce traffic jams.
✓ Provide easy access to the parking lot for 900 vehicles in less than an hour.
✓ Secure the access to the parking lot.
From a technical point of view, the “hands-free” access control solution is based on DOT Active RFID technology. This identification technology merges two frequency bands:
– Low frequency (125KHz) which enables vehicle detection at a precise and configurable distance from the barrier.
– High frequency (433MHz) which enables the encrypted ID data to be sent to the readers.
The compact readers can easily be integrated in the barrier mechanism, the PUCK DOT device is placed in the vehicle and can be detected even when placed discretely elsewhere than the windscreen. The reading distance of the TAG can be changed from 1 to 15 metres and the TAG can be read in les than 0,25 of a second; key factors in improving traffic flows.
✓ 900 vehicles enter the carpark in under an hour.
✓ Improved traffic flows at the car park entrance