Indoor location : Optimization of the supply of tunnel lining segments of tunnel boring machines.

On a tunnel site, the supply of tunnel lining segments plays a major role in the progress and overall performance of the site. Indeed, the production and logistics of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) represent 30% of the problems to be dealt with on a tunnel site. If the tunnel lining segments, which are transported by rubber-tired trains, are not laid regularly, the TBM cannot continue to advance and the site is brought to a standstill. To meet this challenge, Omniscient has deployed its geolocation solution integrating ELA Innovation beacons in the T3A tunnel of the Grand Paris line 15. This completly autonomous connected solution allows the logistics and production manager to precisely locate in real-time all the rubber-tired trains, to know their direction of circulation, their presence in the loading or unloading areas or to be alerted in case of abnormal stops.
ELA Innovation is working with us on this tunnel project by providing sensors and location chips. They worked on optimizing the life of their battery to allow the sensors to last several years. Once the data is collected in the field, we interpret it. ELA Innovation products are reliable, rugged, waterproof and well adapted to field conditions. The mobile tags with a particularly large battery (5Ah) allow us to have a location at 30s for over 1 year.
Omniscient CEO
On a tunnel site, the supply of tunnel lining segments plays a major role in the progress and overall performance of the site. Indeed, the production and logistics of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) represent 30% of the problems to be dealt with on a tunnel site. If the tunnel lining segments, which are transported by rubber-tired trains, are not laid regularly, the TBM cannot continue to advance and the site is brought to a standstill. To meet this challenge, Omniscient has deployed its geolocation solution integrating ELA Innovation beacons in the T3A tunnel of the Grand Paris line 15. This completly autonomous connected solution allows the logistics and production manager to precisely locate in real-time all the rubber-tired trains, to know their direction of circulation, their presence in the loading or unloading areas or to be alerted in case of abnormal stops.
ELA Innovation is working with us on this tunnel project by providing sensors and location chips. They worked on optimizing the life of their battery to allow the sensors to last several years. Once the data is collected in the field, we interpret it. ELA Innovation products are reliable, rugged, waterproof and well adapted to field conditions. The mobile tags with a particularly large battery (5Ah) allow us to have a location at 30s for over 1 year.
Omniscient CEO

The project's participants

ELA Innovation logo
Tag manufacturer
Mesh technology provider
Solution provider
End user
✓ To transmit precise location or activity information (even at a depth of tens of meters)
✓ To provide an autonomous and robust technological solution adapted to underground construction sites
From a technical point of view, the location solution relies on a mesh network of fixed and mobile beacons. The first one, also known as anchors, are installed evenly every 25 meters throughout the tunnel (over 4,1 k), while the latter, the mobile beacons, are installed on the equipment – the rubber-tired trains. Every 30 seconds, the mobile beacons interact with the anchors & the positional messages and information are transmitted to the gateway. Placed at the entrance of the tunnel, the gateway will send the raw data back that Omniscient’s algorithms are going to treat and interpret.

On the My Omniscient business platform, the production and logistic supervisor will be able to visualize several informations through dashbords/charts as : the position of the rubber-tired trains, their circulation direction or the time spent in the loading or unloading zones. Alerts can also be received rapidly if there are abnormal stops, preventing delays on the site.

The wireless infrastructure solution has improved the overall productivity of the construction site and ensure its monitoring in terms of safety and work quality.
✓ Better productivity on the site
✓ Quick identification of safety and quality issues
✓ Reduced risk of delays


capture d'écran my omniscient
My Omniscient platform
✓ Real-time tracking and positioning
✓ Accuracy of tracking (5 to 10m)
✓ Wireless infrastructure, easy to implement
✓ Better productivity on the site
✓ Quick identification of safety and quality issues
✓ Reduced risk of delays

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