Logistic vehicle tracking
Integrate ELA Innovation’s location beacons into your logistics vehicle tracking solutions.
Logistic vehicle tracking system, what is it?

How does logistics vehicle tracking work?
Different technologies can be used to geolocate logistics equipment. The choice of one technology over another will depend on various criteria, such as the type of infrastructure required, the number and size of the equipment to be geolocated, the environment in which the solution is to be installed, the cost of the infrastructure and, finally, the level of accuracy required.
To geolocalize logistic equipments, ELA Innovation offers location beacons based on 2 different technologies: Wirepas Mesh and RFID Active DOT.
This tracking technology is based on a mesh network of fixed and mobile beacons. The machines to be tracked are equipped with mobile beacons and the fixed bacons are positioned in the buildings at regular intervals creating a mesh.
The localization information is calculated from the signal strenght (RSSI) emitted by the mobile beacons and is sent back through the mesh to the gateway. The Wirepas Positioning Engine tool will then transform the raw data into GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) that can be visualized on an IoT platform available on PC or mobile.
Depending on the density of fixed beacons in the network, the localization accuracy can be set from 5 to 10m, which is sufficient to localize medium-sized vehicle such as a pallet truck for example.
This tracking technology uses an infrastructure consisting of Active RFID tags, antennas and readers. The beacons are fixed on the logistic machines and the antennas and readers will be strategically positioned in the warehouse. When a tag enters the reader’s detection field, it will activate and send its identification number, thus allowing the equipment to be located.
The particularity of the RFID DOT system is its dual-frequency operation:
– A low frequency (125KHz) allowing a precise and configurable detection (from 1 to 15m);
– A high frequency (433MHz) allowing the secure transmission of data.
This technology offers a reading speed of less than 1 second, allowing for a very good reactivity and therefore for real-time information.
“We appreciated the ease of installation and integration of the ELA Innovation tags thanks to their mounting brackets, which allow us to quickly readjust the area according to the needs.”
Why integrate location-based beacons into your logistic vehicle tracking solution?
The location beacons from ELA Innovation are ideal to meet the need for tracking of logistic vehicle for many reasons:
100% autonomous
Their battery powered operation provides up to 20 years of autonomy, ensuring a competitive total cost of acquisition.
Quick and easy installation
Extremely easy to install thanks to the various means of fixation (high performance double-sided sticker or support that can be screwed), these sensors can be fixed on any type of surface and do not require any wiring.
Robust and compact
The industrial case of these beacons has been designed to be used in extreme conditions and to resist shocks and vibrations.
Real-time tracking
Whether with Wirepas Mesh or in Active RFID, it is possible to track and locate in real-time the vehicle, making it possible to analyze their movements and be able to find them easily thanks to the high precision that these technologies offer.
Which ELA Innovation tags to use?
If you are an IoT solution provider and you want to integrate tracking of logistic devices in your offer, here are the products
ELA Innovation that we recommend: